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All federal, state and local firearm laws must be obeyed.
ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until your eyes are on the target
ALWAYS keep your gun unloaded until you are at the firing line
CEASE FIRING immediately when anyone calls "CEASE FIRE"
Shooters must check with others to ensure firearms are unloaded, actions open and firearms laid down on the shooting bench before going down range. No one is permitted to handle firearms or stand near the firing line while there is someone downrange.
No cross firing. Only fire at targets in line with your firing station. All shooters are responsible for their rounds staying within the confines of this range.
Respect the range. Pick up your trash, shoot at targets and nothing else. Shotgun hulls are trash, pick up after yourself. If you carried it in, carry it out.
Respect yourself. Wear ear and eye protection, especially when shooting steel targets.
Respect others. Food, beverages and smoking are not allowed on the firing line if others are present. Do not talk to other shooters while they are shooting. Never touch another shooters weapons or ammunition without their permission.
You may take guests to range with you, however they must be with you at all times and may not go to range without a card carrying member present. You are responsible for your guests. All rules and regulations apply. After two visits it is recommended that they purchase their own membership.
Minors must be accompanied by adults. If you are not old enough to own a gun you are not old enough to use the range unsupervised.
Keep all vehicles behind the firing line. Do not drive vehicles onto firing range when the range is soggy. Park in lot during match days. Stop and blow your horn before driving onto the range. Cease firing immediately if you hear a horn blow and make firearms safe.
Membership cards must be presented when asked for, or membership will be revoked.
Any member that shoots or vandalizes any gun club property will be prosecuted and membership revoked for life.
Orange targets are for pistol or rim fire rounds only. Please do not shoot with high powered rifles. White targets can handle most all rounds rifle or pistol, however if you see your rounds are damaging targets quit shooting them. 50 BMG , Green tip or steel core ammo should be used on paper targets only. If you damage targets, you are responsible for replacement cost.
No alcohol allowed on the range ...PERIOD
The range is closed a couple days each month for matches during shooting season (Mar-Oct). There will be no open shooting those days. If the range is closed any other days, we will try to notify members by text or email as soon as we are aware.
Volunteers for range clean up, match day help, etc. are appreciated.
Any use of the range by members giving lessons, training, etc. must be arranged at least 30 days in advance in order to be on the club calendar.
Please lock all gates behind you both while shooting and when leaving. Scramble lock off of combination or it will not relock. If you are the last person leaving the range it is your responsibility to lock gate, regardless of how you found it.
Club meetings will take place at end of shooting on match days. If you would like to attend meeting we usually start around 3:30.
If you have any questions, suggestions or any agenda about Rupert Pistol Club please contact Bob Brown at (304) 667-7162 or Joe McClung at (540) 726-7659.
The combination to the gate lock is on your membership card. Do not give the combination to anyone else. If anyone is at the range and has not signed a liability waiver they are trespassing. All membership expire on July1st. Renewals are good till July 1st of following year.
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